Hand Tamed
Never bite
Not a single issue at all
Very friendly
Nail, Tail , Flying everything is 100% okay
Age 6 Months
Complete Self
DNA Done Male and female both available
I have one more red factor grey parrot very big in size
Price 140k
Age 8 months
Hand tamed
Triton Cockatoo Price is 248k
Hand Tamed never bite
Very good in talking and no bite
Nail , tail , flying everything is 100% okay
Goffin Cockatoo Rate is 120k
Age 6 months
self, hand tamed never bite.
We have two farms in lahore and one pet shop in lahore DHA .
You can contact us for your bird as our birds are virus free because it's our own breed.
Price is slightly negotiable
Name: Hassan Nasir
Number: 0312-62254** ( Click to View Number )
Don’t forget to tell about SALE BABA when call to seller.