Panasonic 3 In 1 Juicer Blender and Mixer Model: MJ-M176 2 Year Warranty Free Home Delivery
270 watts motor 3 in 1: Juicer Mixer Grinder Dry mill attachment to grind coffee beans, dried spices etc. Unique scraper allows you to scrape sides of the container during operation without interfering with the cutting blades. Built-in circuit breaker prevents motor burn out from overloading. Capacity of main blender is 1000ml of liquid, capacity for mill attachment is 50g of spices/herbs/coffee etc, wattage is 240-270watts at 12000rpm full load. 2 Speed + Pulse button switches Super efficient Stainless Steel spinner Long Life Stainless Steel blades Clear Glass 1L container Continuous flow mechanism Speedy Cleaning Brush 2 Speed + Pulse button switches High efficiency Stainless Steel spinner Long-life Stainless Steel blades Detachable container base for easy cleaning Pit-in glass holder Clear glass 1-Litre container
Name: High Tech Technology
Number: 0305-77775** ( Click to View Number )
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