A description of auto electricians and how to diagnose electrical problems. Your prospects of starting a motor mechanic or auto electrician career as a motor mechanic or auto electrician will increase after taking this course. Additionally, it is perfect for a hobbyist or someone who wants to perform repairs. IMI Awards Ltd., a division of the Sector Skills Council for the automotive industry, has approved this course.
Throughout the training, various graphics and handouts are distributed.
Through blended learning, the theory is delivered, maybe in person.
Throughout the course, practical work will be done in fully equipped workshops to supplement the theory sessions taught in the classroom. In the Faculty of Technology, we have three contemporary vehicle workshops with vehicle lifts, electronic test equipment, a new dyno-meter facility, and a variety of modern cars.
Every week, lesson objectives are discussed for about an hour and a half. Students are urged to take notes throughout this period. Additionally, handouts will be made available to promote difference.
In the workshop, scenarios or flaws are set up for hands-on work and additional discussion.
PRACTICALS Training Content Basics of Electrician
Starting System
Charging system
Wiring Circuits on Wiring Board
Course Duration: 1 YEAR Total Fee: 30000/-
Name: rizwan
Number: Phone number is not shared.
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